Wraparound Childcare
We offer wrap-around care as follows:
Breakfast Club - Monday to Friday from 7:45am to 8:45am
Afterschool Club - Monday to Thursday from 3.30pm to 5.30pm
Check out below for further information about our Wrap Around Care Clubs:
Breakfast Club
Come and enjoy breakfast with your friends....
Breakfast Club is available to all of the children at Marston Thorold's School, however places are limited. Children can be dropped off from 7.45am and the cost is £3 per session. The children can then enjoy breakfast, games and fun.
Places need to be booked and paid for in advance with the School Office, if it is outside of school hours please feel free to leave a message on the school answer phone: 01400 250583.
Entry is through the hall door at the back of the school.
We ask that you escort your children to the door and hand them over to a member of breakfast club staff.
Afterschool Club
Marston Thorold's Afterschool Club operates from our school and is lead by Mrs Bravo and Miss Smith-Auckland (Tues and Wed).
At the Club, we aim to provide a safe, secure and fun environment with a variety of activities to reflect the interests of the children. The choice of activities include art, crafts, board games, outdoor play if the weather permits and lots more.
The Marston Thorold's Afterschool Club session runs Monday - Thursday between 3.30pm and 5.30pm.
Please see below for costings which includes a healthy snack:
Monday - Thursday | Price Per Child |
From 3:30pm until 5.30pm | £5 |
To collect your child/children, please come to the hall external doors.
To book your child/children into the Club, please do so through the Admin Office on 01400 250583 or email Victoria Nicholas-Barry
Payment is through ParentMail.
After School Club - Science Day
Tuesday 13th March 2024
The school celebrated Science week and Mrs Bravo had planned some great experiments for our after school club group.