How will this be measured?
Pupil Voice will show:
- Confidence discussing and applying the Active Spelling strategies to support spelling throughout the curriculum.
- Enjoyment and immersion in the writing curriculum with children understanding the purpose of writing and the literary devices required for each genre.
Displays around school and books will show:
- A consistent approach to the delivery and implementation of handwriting with children developing ever increasing control and style as they progress through school.
- A consistent approach to the delivery and implementation of our writing curriculum with children using adventurous, challenging vocabulary, accurately applying grammar and consistently producing high quality writing.
- A clear progression in knowledge and skills with teaching and learning in line with the National Curriculum and school expectations.
- That pupils, over time, develop a range of early writing skills which they are able to apply in their earning across the curriculum, as well as in ‘real life’ situations.
The subject leader will:
- Collate appropriate evidence over time which evidences that pupils know more and remember more.
- Monitor the standards in the delivery of our writing curriculum, handwriting and Active Spelling to ensure outcomes are at expected levels.
- Ensure assessment in completed fairly, accurately and in a timely fashion to ensure that all pupils continue to be challenged and supported as they need.
- Provide ongoing CPD support based on the outcomes of subject monitoring to ensure that the impact of the curriculum is wide reaching and positive.