Contact Details
- Executive Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs E Bedford
- Head of School, SENCo, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and Designated Teacher for LAC: Mrs A Richardson
- School Business & Operation Manager and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs A Parnham
- Chair of Governors: Mrs S Kirton
- Administrator: Mrs V Nicholas-Barry
Contact Us
Marston Thorold's Charity CE Primary School
School Lane,
NG32 2HQ
Phone: 01400 250583
How to Find Us
We are in the village of Marston, just off the A1 at Grantham (before Downtown if approaching from the North) and after Downtown if approaching from the South).
Follow the road through the village (from whichever end you approach from) and when you see the pub - turn left or right - again depending on way way you approach from. We are on the right hand side some 20 metres down the road.
We have a road safety zone (large yellow zig-zags) which means you cannot park on them or drop off on them. The school car park is for the use of staff and taxis only. You can park on the roadside just past the school. We ask that you do not block our neighbours drives please.
Please note that any information on this website can be requested in paper form and will be provided free of charge. Please contact us by the above methods to request this.