At Marston Thorold's, we strive to ensure our children have the knowledge and understanding to apply their mathematical skills to a range of calculations as well as reasoning and problem-solving questions in abstract and real-life contexts.
We follow the National Curriculum. From Year 1, we teach the children through Maths No Problem using concrete, pictorial and abstract representations to embed and deepen their understanding.
Within Early Years, children are given many opportunities to develop their understanding of number, measurement, pattern and shape and space through teaching sessions and provision. All provision areas, including outdoors, are structured to encourage children to apply and explore their mathematical skills, learnt within teaching sessions, independently.
In Key Stage one and two, each lesson begins with a fluency session to ensure the children know and remember more through spaced practice. Each lesson includes modelled teaching, guided practice and independent learning. Children are challenged through deeper learning opportunities.
Maths Statement of Intent
“Mathematics is not only taught because it is useful. It should also be a source of delight and wonder, offering pupils intellectual excitement and an appreciation of its essential creativity.”
(Non Statutory Guidance 1:25)