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The Marston Thorold's Charity Church of England


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Parent/Carer Survey Results

Parent/Carer Survey Results October 2021

'How the school supported families through the COVID 19 pandemic.'

The total of responses received = 33

The breakdown by class:



The collated results are as follows:

QuestionStrongly agreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeDon't KnowTotal
I received support from school during
The schools aim during lockdown was to support you and your child mentally and academically. Do you think the school carried this out effectively?161610033
If you felt low or were having a particularly difficult day through lockdown, did you feel the school were approachable?121510533
If lockdown happened again, how do you feel the school could support you more? Is there anything we could have done differently?

No Comment

Positive Comments

Provide laptops

Class links published earlier

Longer/more 'live' sessions

Personlised check ins with child's teacher


In your own words did you have any experience through lockdown that you felt the school helped you with or could have done more to have helped you with?

*Child* was very difficult through the second lockdown, she hated not being in school or being able to see her friends, the school were amazing, they gave her extra reading sessions online with TAs in the afternoon the keep her occupied and allowed her to read to the children in school which really helped, Miss Parker, Mrs. Fulcher and Mrs. Waddell were very supportive and one of them contacted us daily to see how we were getting on.


*Child* did not always show willing and sit still the school was understanding nd supportive over this.


We will forever be grateful of being able to use a key worker place which allowed myself,
and my husband, to continue working.


*Child* was refusing to do his English as it didn't interest him , Mr. Woolerton was brilliant
and helped any way he could even letting *Child* adapt the work.


*Child* had a couple of extra one to one lessons due to his difficulties managing and getting into self managing lessons set which helped.


*Child* did not engage well with Oak Academy so having more variety of work to achieve the same outcome would have helped.


Mr. Woolerton was amazing and very supportive of *Child* giving him 1 to 1 time when he needed it as he found the experience challenging

