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The Marston Thorold's Charity Church of England


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Useful Information

Starting and End of Day Procedures

The main gate will open at 8.40am every day. Please ensure that children are in school to start lessons at 8:50am. The school day will end at 3.30pm for all class and the main gate onto the playground will be open from 3.25pm.  You will be to collect all siblings at the same time.



Our P.E Day this term is a Tuesday, please can parents ensure that the children’s PE kits are in school ready for the children to change into. Our PE kit uniform must be black or navy-blue shorts, black tracksuit bottoms, a white t-shirt and plimsoles. Most lesson will be outdoors, weather permitting. Please can we ask for water bottles to be always in school, particularly on PE day.

This term we are lucky to have Mrs Burton to teach the children fundamental skills.


Wise Owl Time

On the weekly timetable you may notice that on a Wednesday afternoon the children will be participating in "Wise Owl Time". We recognise how important is for the children to play and explore in natural spaces. Learning outside helps to develop the children's creativity, problem-solving skills, independence, social skills, confidence and much more. On these days no matter what the weather we will be having fun and learning in the great outdoors so please ensure that the children have a pair of wellies and waterproofs in school- thank you 


Reading Books

Children will be given reading books each week on a Monday, and they will be collected in on a Friday. Currently EYFS will be bringing home “We can read book”. It is important to talk to your child about the story and ask lots of open questions to encourage those important early reading skills. As the children learn the sounds from their phonics lessons, they will be bringing home books that text link to these sessions. Please can parents also ensure children have their reading books in school with them every day as we will be listening to them read. Please try to read with you child every night. I understand this isn’t always possible but it’s important to help them with their fluency with reading. When you have read with your child, please leave a short comment in their reading records about how they got on with the book.



Please support your child at home by completing these short homework activities with them as frequently as possible.

  • Practise their phonics letter sounds (phonemes), letter formation and tricky words.
  • Read stories with your child. Both listening to them read their school reading books and sharing stories with them.
  • Practise name writing.



Class Dojo is a quick and simple communication app that helps to bring together the school community with our families. Updates and pictures of events will be added regularly.
