Useful Information
PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. Children are required to bring their PE kits to school at the beginning of term to leave on their pegs and can be collected again at the end of term (black shorts/jogging bottoms, white top, trainers and tracksuit top if required).
A bingo grid will be sent home with fun activities and challenges to support your child’s learning. You can choose what order to complete the activities in with fortnightly hand in dates. Please ensure your child completes the homework grid so we can celebrate and looks at everyone’s work together.
Each week key spellings and spelling patterns will be published on the class page of the school website. These spellings are taught in class.
Class Dojo
An invitation link to Class Dojo has been sent via email. This platform will be used to share photos and updates of what we have been learning in class. It is also an easy way of messaging me directly should you have any queries (non-emergency) but please be aware that this is not an alternative to phoning the school office if you need to report absence/lateness.
Reading Books
Your child will be bringing home two books which will be changed weekly: a decodable book that they can read independently as well as another book they can share with you to read for pleasure.
Keeping their book for the whole week will ensure children become confident not only reading the words, but also with their fluency, tone of voice and comprehension of the story.
Pupils following the Accelerated Reader scheme will take a mini quiz in school to assess their understanding and determine when their book can be changed.
Please remember to read with your child for 10-15 minutes each night. This will make a huge difference to their progress and enjoyment of reading. We also encourage the reading of any materials which interest your child such as magazines, leaflets, non-fiction books and annuals.