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The Marston Thorold's Charity Church of England


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Attendance, Punctuality and Absence

Our school attendance target is 96.5%.

As we make a pathway back to normal following the pandemic, it is essential that we build back up to our previous positive attendance rates.

Last academic year, our attendance was 94.6%.  We would really like this to improve this year so that every child achieves their best.


Acceptable reasons for absence

  • Illness such as fever, vomiting    or diarrhoea– Vomiting and diarrhoea require 48hrs absence.
  • Very heavy colds
  • Childhood diseases such as chicken pox, impetigo or scarlet fever.

Please note ‘sick’ cannot be accepted as a reason and more details will be required.

Exceptional or special leave

Children may have one day’s absence for an approved religious observance.

In other emergency, exceptional or special circumstances parents or carers must also make a request to the Headteacher for short periods of leave. Leave will only be authorised at the      Headteachers discretion. 

In making the decision, the Headteacher will consider

  • The child’s current attendance percentage
  • Previous application and absences

Documents are essential to support the application.



Permission for absence for a holiday cannot be given under any circumstances. 

Holidays in term time cannot be authorised and may be subject to a fixed penalty notice, this results in a fine of £60 per child and per parent.

