Friends of Marston School (FOMS)
Upcoming Events for 2024-2025
Keep checking this page for updates on our organised events for this year.
Thank you for taking a look.
F.O.M.S. Pre-Loved School Uniform
FOMS now have a dedicated email for pre-loved uniform.
We sell donated school uniform in a range of sizes.
All items are £1 except for bags (£3) and coats/fleeces (£5).
Please see below for the order form or email for more information.
If you have any pre-loved uniform you wish to donate, please email or drop it into school.
We are here to help!
We know times are hard for many families at the moment.
We can put together uniform parcels at no cost for families struggling financially.
Please contact the school team who are happy to make the request anonymously on your behalf to FOMS.