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The Marston Thorold's Charity Church of England


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Summer Term

Welcome back to our favourite term with the lighter evenings, longer days and (hopefully) warmer weather we are really looking forward to our final term in Reception Class!


It is incredible to see how much children have learnt so far this year and I always like to use the beginning of this term as a reflection point to see how far children have progressed since September. They have all developed their individual personalities and interests and have worked so hard to develop themselves academically. 


Again, I would like to say a big thank you to parents they could not have done it without all your invaluable support and contributions towards their learning. 


In Maths we are continuing to develop our learning and will be introducing topics such as having and doubling, sharing and height and measuring as well as consolidating topics we have covered previously this year.


We will be continuing with our phase 3 phonics this half term, recapping the digraphs and trigraphs we have already learnt and of course our tricky words. We will be extending our writing and will begin to write sentences, captions and maybe even short stories independently. After half term we will begin phase 4 phonics to finish off the year. 


For P.E this term we have inspire plus coming in to take P.E lessons and our first topic is ball skills. 


I can't wait to start our summer term of fun, learning and excitement. 


Please remember as it is summer term we will be getting outside as much as possible for our learning. Please can parents ensure children come dressed appropriately for the weather and with a named bottle of sun cream in their bags which children will be encouraged to apply themselves before going outside when appropriate, can we also ask for children to bring wellies (for the mud kitchen!) and have a water bottle in school everyday. 









Crazy Hair Day!
