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Accelerated Reader

Accelerated Reader (AR) produces an average of two years’ reading age growth in just one academic year while promoting reading for pleasure.


AR is a powerful tool for monitoring and managing independent reading practice. With AR, teachers create a reading programme to meet the needs of every student. Using information generated by the software, teachers help students select books that are difficult enough to keep them challenged, but not too difficult to cause frustration. In addition, it helps teachers to monitor students’ vocabulary growth, literacy skills development and reading skills taught through other reading schemes. Accelerated Reader helps develops lifelong readers.

Accelerated Reader

When children enter KS2, they begin to use Accelerated Reader. The Accelerated Reader (AR) programme is a computerised programme that tests reading comprehension. Students select books on their reading level, read independently, and take an independent comprehension test on the computer. Each book is worth a certain number of points based on its length and reading level.


The 5 steps to reading success


It's all about practise. AR encourages substantial differentiated reading practise to create strong readers. Based on each student's independent reading level, AR helps teachers set personalised goals for each student, and guide students to books that are difficult enough to keep them challenged, but not so difficult as to cause frustration. In addition, AR helps teachers monitor students' vocabulary growth, literacy skills development, and other reading skills.

  1. Determine reading level. First, a student’s optimal reading level is determined through the STAR Reading Enterprise assessment. This assessment suggests a range of book levels for each student called the “zone of proximal development”, or ZPD. Children should begin reading books that have a level at the lower end of their ZPD and gradually move up the range in order to make optimum progress.
  2. Set practice goals. Teachers support children to set individualized reading practice goals based on reading quantity, quality, and difficulty and they can then monitor progress toward those goals.
  3. Personalised practice. Personalised reading practice means students read books of interest at their own reading level. AR BookFinder makes it easy to find the perfect book.
  4. Students take an AR Quiz. AR offers more than 150,000 quizzes of three types on both fiction and nonfiction titles.
  5. Receive instant feedback. AR provides teachers with immediate information, helping them monitor the comprehension skills of each student and inform further instruction or intervention. Students and parents get instant feedback to help motivate success with the use of Renaissance Home Connect.