Home Learning
Home Learning
Dear Parents and Carers,
Please click on the class links below to see school closure work set by class teachers:
Listed below are links to the Home Learning daily tasks for each year group, for the week beginning Monday 23rd March 2020, please allow approximately 1 hour for each task:
Year 1 Literacy and Numeracy Weekly Activities
Year 2 Literacy and Numeracy Weekly Activities
Year 3 Literacy and Numeracy Weekly Activities
Year 4 Literacy and Numeracy Weekly Activities
Year 5 Literacy and Numeracy Weekly Activities
Year 6 Literacy and Numeracy Weekly Activities
Listed below are tasks we’d like children to complete at home over the coming weeks. We are committed to making sure that your child is still learning as much as possible and endeavour to do our best to keep this happening.
Home Learning Packs (sent home in an envelope)
Music Activities
Useful Websites