Spring Term 2 Spellings
21 Feb 22 (statutory words) Foreign Guarantee Individual Persuade Privilege Sacrifice Shoulder Signature Stomach temperature | 14 March 22 (tial) Differential Preferential presidential celestial substantial credential circumstantial consequential quintessential residential |
28 Feb 22 (homophones) Advice/advise Device/devise Practice/practise Licence/license Praise/prays Sort/sought Brake/break Principal/principle Desert/dessert Wary/weary | 21 March 22 (silent letters) Gnarl Gnat Gnaw Gnome Gnash Handkerchief Sandwich Bridge Handsome Wednesday |
7 March 22 (tious) Expeditious Repetitious Gumptious Suppositious Pretentious Infectious Captious vexatious | 28 March 22 (ei after c exceptions) Deficient Ancient Conscience Efficient Society Concierge Glaciers Science Fancies Sufficient |
Spring Term 1 Spellings
Please find some activities that you might use to support your child's spelling at home.