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The Marston Thorold's Charity Church of England


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Autumn Term

Welcome to all our new children and parents it is so lovely to meet you all and have the children in school. This term will be spent getting to know each other and beginning our year long learning journey in Venus Class. The children are all settling in wonderfully and it is fantastic to see happy, smiling faces coming into school in the morning. 


Although under current restrictions we are limited with face-to-face contact meaning that our normal catch ups at the beginning and end of the school day cannot happen please do not feel as if you cannot talk to us about anything that concerns you. I am more than happy to speak to parents via telephone or the school email at anytime. I really want all parents to feel they can still communicate with me and it is lovely to hear amazing things children are achieving not just at school but at home also.


Please do comment on Tapestry observations and I will reply to as many as possible. It is a great tool for us to communicate, and for you to see what your child is getting up to in school. 

Venus Class Newsletter Autumn 1
