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The Marston Thorold's Charity Church of England


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All lessons build on prior learning and teachers support children to learn and remember more through:

  • providing children with a minimum of a discrete one-hour maths lesson per day which will be inclusive to all children;
  • use the principles and aims of the National Curriculum for Mathematics 2014 at the heart of mathematics teaching and learning;
  • take teaching objectives from the National Curriculum and Early Years Development Matter and Goals to ensure pitch of teaching and learning is appropriate for age-related expectations; 
  • teachers will follow a long-term plan for mathematics ensuring equal coverage of a spiral curriculum in Years 1-6; 
  • ensure EYFS children learn through a mixture of adult led activities and child-initiated activities both inside and outside of the classroom; 
  • expect teachers to make short-term plans appropriate for the needs of their class whilst ensuring all children have access to achieving their age-related expectations; 
  • promote a conceptual understanding (declarative knowledge) through the provision of concrete-pictorial-abstract representations;  
  • use a variety of teaching and learning styles in lessons;  
  • encourage mathematical talk including the use of correct vocabulary; 
  • identify rapid intervention needs as part of teaching and learning and acted on swiftly to ensure security of pupil’s understanding and readiness to progress; 
  • challenge children who grasp concepts rapidly through deep and rich learning opportunities before pace through the curriculum – ‘depth before pace’; 
  • ensure staff teach written calculation in-line with Jenny Cook’s ‘A Journey to Written Calculation’.