Spring Term
A big welcome back to all of Venus Class. It's so lovely to have you all back after what felt like a very long time of home learning!
In Phonics we are continuing with our phonemes and diagraphs as well as learning letter names. We will continue writing CVC words and writing sentences.
During our Maths learning time we will be covering a range of topics including one more and one less than, addition and subtraction vocabulary, money, weight and sequencing events. As well as reasoning using our own knowledge and experience to solve mathematical problems.
Our afternoons have more of a provision focus, ensuring the children get to follow their interests and develop their independent learning time in our continuous provision. This is set up to help children build on their learning from lesson time.
Thank you to all parents for your continued support this school year and as I always say please do feel free to contact me via the school office whilst we are still limited with face-to-face contact.