Autumn Term
Autumn Term Mars Class Newsletter
Our focus this term has been Hinduism and the children have particularly enjoyed the art themed activities linked with different Hindu festivals.
After planning their own investigation, the children carried them out and were able to explain which magnet was the strongest.
Mars class have enjoyed mini activities and games during our ball skills unit and there is much improvement in their hand-eye.
This term we have been focussing on multiplication and division. In preparation for the Statutory times table tests, Year 4 have been challenging themselves to improve their speed and accuracy in multiplication recall. We have also started looking at multiple digit numbers multiplied by a single digit. The children have done really well when using the ‘Build It’ method to assist them in their calculating.
In Science, we have started our topic of Forces. The children have been investigating how they can put objects into motion by using pushes or pulls.
This term our focus question in DT is ‘Food: What Could be Healthier?’ To start this unit of work, the children sampled some spaghetti bolognaise and tried to write the ingredients from the sauce. Later in the term we will be creating our own pasta dishes!