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Shine Assembly


Shine Assembly 'Stars of the Week' and 'Special Mentions'

Summer Term 2

Shine Assembly - Friday, 19th July 2024

The Class 'Special Mentions' and 'Stars of the Week' for this week were as follows:


Special Mention 

Voted by the Children

Star of the Week

Chosen by Staff

VenusZara for always being supportive towards Venus Class and a great friend!Venus Class for being an AMAZING class and for always working hard!
NeptuneZak for supporting the younger children at playtime.Marley for making friends and working hard.
MarsJupiter Class for their amazing play performance.Harriet B for being an all round superstar!
JupiterMiss Gadd from all of Jupiter Class - You are simply AMAZING!Zara for being amazing and scoring fantastic goals.

 Value Points Awards:

25 PointsMars - Archie C
50 Points

Neptune - Colby & Martha

Mars - Ellis, Eva, George & Megan

Shine Assembly - Friday, 12th July 2024

The Class 'Special Mentions' and 'Stars of the Week' for this week were as follows:


Special Mention 

Voted by the Children

Star of the Week

Chosen by Staff

VenusVenus Class for doing a FANTASTIC job at their first sports day.Jesse for working so hard independently on her letter.
NeptuneMiss Lamb for working so hard to organise sports day.Oliver for super rhyming in his seaside poem.
Marsd for persevering in Sewing Club and being a great friend.Jasmine for consistency in her reading and quizzing.

 Value Points Awards:

25 PointsMars - Archie C
50 Points

Neptune - Colby & Martha

Mars - Ella, Eva, George & Megan

Shine Assembly - Friday, 5th July 2024

The Class 'Special Mentions' and 'Stars of the Week' for this week were as follows:


Special Mention 

Voted by the Children

Star of the Week

Chosen by Staff

VenusAva for creating good games at lunchtimes.Kealan for working hard on his writing and with a change of routine this week. 
NeptuneMax for including people in his games at breaktimes.

Neptune Class for being superstars at the seaside.

Esme for her hard work in class all this week.

MarsCoda for being helpful to everyone.Eva for fabulous descriptive writing.
JupiterLily for courage and secondary school.Olivia for learning lots of different roles for the play and excellent reasoning in Maths.

Shine Assembly - Friday, 28th June 2024

The Class 'Special Mentions' and 'Stars of the Week' for this week were as follows:


Special Mention 

Voted by the Children

Star of the Week

Chosen by Staff

VenusJesse for being a great friend to everyone.Jeremy for fantastic reading in Phonics and reading groups.
NeptuneOliver W for working hard on his letter formation.Daniel for getting full marks in his Maths assessment test.
MarsJasmine for being kind and friendly.Archie for excellent concentration and focus in all assessments.
JupiterLily for supporting others and always being there.Reuben for applying himself and aspiring to be the best he can be.

Shine Assembly - Friday, 14th June 2024

The Class 'Special Mentions' and 'Stars of the Week' for this week were as follows:


Special Mention 

Voted by the Children

Star of the Week

Chosen by Staff

VenusMason (Y6) for being super helpful with Venus class on the sponsored walk.Luca for working hard on his art work this week.
NeptuneAlex A for letting others join his games.Bea for a wonderful art piece and amazing independent writing.
MarsMegan for being a kind friend.Phoebe for improving her portrait skills through dedication.
JupiterFreddie for helping others and showing kindness at After School club.Sonnie for a fantastic Pop Art piece featuring Maradona.

Shine Assembly - Friday, 14th June 2024

The Class 'Special Mentions' and 'Stars of the Week' for this week were as follows:


Special Mention 

Voted by the Children

Star of the Week

Chosen by Staff

VenusAva for always showing kindness in class and around school.Esther for showing beautiful presentation in her work.
NeptuneMartha for always being ready to learn.Lucy for her positive attitude towards learning.
MarsMars Class for super sportsmanship at the Mini Olympics.Albie for retaking his book quiz and scoring 9/10.
JupiterIndie for her performance in play practice, making others laugh and amazing effort on her Father's Day card.Aria for her solo singing part in the play and showing kindness to Esme when playing at break.

Value Points Awards:

50 Points

Venus - Esther

Neptune - Honour and Jake

Mars - Tilly M

Jupiter - Mollie

100 PointsJupiter - Lily

Summer Term 1

Shine Assembly - Friday, 24th May 2024

The Class 'Special Mentions' and 'Stars of the Week' for this week were as follows:


Special Mention 

Voted by the Children

Star of the Week

Chosen by Staff

VenusCody for being funny and kind.Kealan for working hard and not giving up.
NeptuneAlfie for working hard and being kind.Francesca for her incredible football skills in P.E.
MarsKacie for being kind, good friend.Tilly M for cracking the bus stop method in Maths.
JupiterAria for being kind to others.Indie for taking pride in her work and paying attention to detail in her drawing.


Shine Assembly - Friday, 17th May 2024

The Class 'Special Mentions' and 'Stars of the Week' for this week were as follows:


Special Mention 

Voted by the Children

Star of the Week

Chosen by Staff

VenusJesse for showing kindness towards others.Luca for taking his time on his writing in phonics.
NeptuneJake for his care and compassion for others.Martha for takings lots of pride in her presentation.
MarsDylan for playing nicely and working hard.Archie H for his consistent hard working attitude.
JupiterYear 6 for completing their SATs.Alex, Devin, Elise, Freddie, Indie, Lily, Luca, Mason, Olivia, Sonnie and Zara.

Value Points Awards:

25 Points

Neptune - Lucy


Shine Assembly - Friday, 10th May 2024

The Class 'Special Mentions' and 'Stars of the Week' for this week were as follows:


Special Mention 

Voted by the Children

Star of the Week

Chosen by Staff

VenusVenus for helping to tidy the sand pit and garden ready for Summer. Samuel for fantastic progress on his writing.
NeptuneTed for playing nicely and looking after others. Ollie for amazing progress with all his work.
MarsTilly M for working hard, making people laugh and amazing reading.Dylan B for a fantastic independent write with beautiful handwriting.
JupiterLuca for scoring 120 on his reading paper. Mason for working hard, a great reading score and caring for others,

Value Points Awards:

25 Points

Neptune - Imogen

Mars - Dougie

50 Points

Venus - Jesse

Neptune - Alex, Bea and Daniel

Mars - Phoebe

Jupiter - Aria, Devin, Mollie, Reuben and Zak

125 PointsJupiter - Alex


Shine Assembly - Friday, 3rd May 2024

The Class 'Special Mentions' and 'Stars of the Week' for this week were as follows:


Special Mention 

Voted by the Children

Star of the Week

Chosen by Staff

VenusMrs Lee for being helpful and kind to Venus class.Esther for beautiful handwriting and for creating fantastic work.
NeptuneColby for being kind and great at cricket.Honour for her amazing contributions in English.
MarsJemima for being hard working and a kind friend.Willem for working super hard and producing excellent work.
JupiterReuben for including others in games, being kind and working hard.Elise for always looking to take her learning forward.

Shine Assembly - Thursday, 25th April 2024

The Class 'Special Mentions' and 'Stars of the Week' for this week were as follows:


Special Mention 

Voted by the Children

Star of the Week

Chosen by Staff

VenusEsther for being kind and helpful to new friends.Kealan for settling in to Venus class so well.
NeptuneFlo for her supper effort in Maths.Max for settling in and wowing Miss Kirby with his Maths.
MarsDougie for being active and including others at playtime.Poppy for working hard and listening carefully to adults.

Thea for being kind and making people laugh.

Zak, Reuben and Sonnie for encouraging younger children at playtime.

Ted for working hard, having a good two weeks and producing some excellent work.

Spring Term 2

Shine Assembly - Friday 15th March 2024

The Class 'Special Mentions' and 'Stars of the Week' for this week were as follows:


Special Mention 

Voted by the Children

Star of the Week

Chosen by Staff

VenusJesse for keeping the classroom neat and tidy.Esther for improving her handwriting when writing her sentence.
NeptuneOllie for putting lots of effort into his writing.

Daniel for being an all round star!

MarsZane for making people smile.Megan for always striving to do her best.
JupiterThea for being kind to others.Devin for working hard with his Maths and reading.


Shine Assembly - Friday 8th March2024

The Class 'Special Mentions' and 'Stars of the Week' for this week were as follows:


Special Mention 

Voted by the Children

Star of the Week

Chosen by Staff

VenusAlfie for showing kindness to Venus Class.Samuel for working hard on writing a sentence.
NeptuneColby for showing kindness and friendship.Oliver for amazing progress with his writing.
MarsMegan for perseverance.Matthew for challenging himself in Maths and listening more carefully.
JupiterLily for working hard and being kind to others.Sophie for applying herself fully in all of her tasks.


Shine Assembly - Friday 1st March2024

The Class 'Special Mentions' and 'Stars of the Week' for this week were as follows:


Special Mention 

Voted by the Children

Star of the Week

Chosen by Staff

VenusMrs Bravo for looking after Esme so well! smileyCody for communicating very well with the adults and his friends.
NeptuneTy for being a kind friend to everyone.Willow for her passion for learning especially Maths.
MarsTilly M for working hard and challenging herself.Matthew for working hard in spellings.
JupiterElise for great R.E. work and working hard.Luca for 40/40 in his Maths and some superb writing.


Spring Term 1

Shine Assembly - Friday 9th February 2024

The Class 'Special Mentions' and 'Stars of the Week' for this week were as follows:


Special Mention 

Voted by the Children

Star of the Week

Chosen by Staff

VenusLuca for being a king friend in Venus.Samuel for getting changed independently in PE lessons.
NeptuneEsme for being kind and working hard.Francesca for fascinating Science experiment.
MarsCoda for impressing his swimming teacher.Tiily M for fantastic perseverance in making her cushion in DT.
JupiterOlivia for making people laugh and being brilliant at swimarathon.Aria for working hard with her fractions and percentages.



Shine Assembly - Friday 2nd February 2024

The Class 'Special Mentions' and 'Stars of the Week' for this week were as follows:


Special Mention 

Voted by the Children

Star of the Week

Chosen by Staff

VenusMrs Nicholas-Barry for being a FABULOUS fairy godmother when helping out.Ava for always working hard on her handwriting.
NeptuneWillow for working hard on her neat handwriting.Beatrix for writing a very clear set of instructions for homework.
MarsGrace for being helpful, a great work partner and a good friend.Tilly P for working hard, trying her best and becoming more confident.
JupiterZak for accepting disappointment.Ava for improving her presentation.



Shine Assembly - Friday 26th January 2024

The Class 'Special Mentions' and 'Stars of the Week' for this week were as follows:


Special Mention 

Voted by the Children

Star of the Week

Chosen by Staff

VenusLily (Y6) for always being helpful to Venus Class.Jeremy for FANTASTIC fluent reading!
NeptuneBeatrix for her super neat handwriting.Honour for always thinking of others before herself.
MarsAmira for being kind at break time and trying hard in Dance Club.Coda for outstanding effort in every lesson.
JupiterReuben for an excellent start to his biography and helping others.Zak for striving to so his best in all that he does.

Shine Assembly - Friday 19th January 2024

The Class 'Special Mentions' and 'Stars of the Week' for this week were as follows:


Special Mention 

Voted by the Children

Star of the Week

Chosen by Staff

VenusSamuel for working hard on his Phonics blending.Jesse for working super hard in Maths when adding 1 more.
NeptuneJake for taking his role as cloakroom monitor seriously.Florence for taking pride in her work and being super neat in Maths.
MarsWilliam and Belle for running Drama Club.Phoebe for a fantastic independent piece of writing with ambitious vocabulary.

Esme for a magnificent Big Ben.

Miss Gadd for helping and supporting the children.

Reuben for being an all round super star - a pleasure to teach.

Shine Assembly - Friday 12th January 2024

The Class 'Special Mentions' and 'Stars of the Week' for this week were as follows:


Special Mention 

Voted by the Children

Star of the Week

Chosen by Staff

VenusAva for creating a fantastic piece of writing in her own fairy tale story.Oliver for working super hard in English.
NeptuneElise for creating new games with the younger ones at playtimes.Alfie for trying really hard in all lessons.
MarsTilly P for trying hard even when her tummy hurt.Dougie for an improved attitude towards his work in all areas.
JupiterThea for caring for others.Alex J for some excellent work, a positive attitude and creating an excellent game.


Autumn Term 2

Shine Assembly - Friday 15th December 2023

The Class 'Special Mentions' and 'Stars of the Week' for this week were as follows:


Special Mention 

Voted by the Children

Star of the Week

Chosen by Staff

VenusVenus Class for making everyone so proud in their first Nativity.Esther for working super hard all of the time.
NeptuneYears 1 & 2 for making everyone so proud of their performances in the Nativity.Amira for stepping in as an angel at the last minute and doing a brilliant job!
MarsBea for being good in the play and singing loudly.Zane for a fabulous week in everything!
JupiterCody for cheering people up and being fun.Olivia for her perseverance with pie charts and some excellent writing.

Shine Assembly - Friday 8th December 2023

The Class 'Special Mentions' and 'Stars of the Week' for this week were as follows:


Special Mention 

Voted by the Children

Star of the Week

Chosen by Staff

VenusSamuel for working hard on his handwriting.Jesse for having a positive attitude every day in class.
NeptunePersephone for always having a positive attitude and being kind.Sebastian for perseverance with his work at school and home!
MarsWillem for working hard, helping others and being a good friend.George for his positive approach to his work.
JupiterDevin and Lily for trying hard with their work.Luca for being a polite young man with a positive attitude to all he does.

Shine Assembly - Friday 1st December 2023

The Class 'Special Mentions' and 'Stars of the Week' for this week were as follows:


Special Mention 

Voted by the Children

Star of the Week

Chosen by Staff

VenusCody for being very helpful without being asked.Ava for amazing progress in Phonics and spelling.
NeptuneLucy for helping others with spellings and Maths.Imogen for progress and a positive attitude.
MarsKacie for persevering with her writing.Jasmine for listening carefully in Maths.
JupiterSonnie for scoring full marks in his Maths test,Mason H for kindness and a real dedication to developing his writing.


Shine Assembly - Friday 24th November 2023

The Class 'Special Mentions' and 'Stars of the Week' for this week were as follows:


Special Mention 

Voted by the Children

Star of the Week

Chosen by Staff

VenusJeremy for being kind and helpful to others.Luca for independently reading in phonics.
NeptuneJesse for being really helpful without being asked.Martha for learning all her lines ready for the Nativity.
MarsEva for working hard and being kind to others.Kacie for impressing her teacher with her writing.
JupiterThea for handwriting and trying hard at football.Zara for working hard in all areas and applying what she has been taught.


Shine Assembly - Friday 17th November 2023

The Class 'Special Mentions' and 'Stars of the Week' for this week were as follows:


Special Mention 

Voted by the Children

Star of the Week

Chosen by Staff

VenusMrs Knott for looking after Venus Class and being super!Jesse for always showing resilience and patience towards her peers.
NeptuneSebastian for some amazing Maths after being off poorly.Jake  for an excellent report about toys from the past.
MarsJasmine for looking after other people.Ellis for careful listening and working hard.
JupiterAlex for working hard this week.Sophie for applying her learning and striving for excellence.

Shine Assembly - Friday 10th November 2023

The Class 'Special Mentions' and 'Stars of the Week' for this week were as follows:


Special Mention 

Voted by the Children

Star of the Week

Chosen by Staff

VenusAva for being kind to others.Luca for working super hard in Phonics.
NeptuneAmira for being kind and ready to learn.Alex for showing resilience and patience towards his peers.
MarsPhoebe for being determined in her work, kind to others and an amazing friend.Grace for listening carefully and working super hard.
JupiterLily for taking care of others and Sophie for working hard.Thea for applying herself in all she does - a real superstar!


Autumn Term 1

Shine Assembly - Friday 13th October 2023

The Class 'Special Mentions' and 'Stars of the Week' for this week were as follows:


Special Mention 

Voted by the Children

Star of the Week

Chosen by Staff

VenusAva for being a very good friend.Luca for working hard in Phonics and Spelling.
NeptuneFrancesca for being a great friend.Esme for her fantastic effort with brailling.
MarsJemima for being helpful to others.Dylan for his incredible Maths work.
JupiterIndie for helping others.Indie for conquering long division in Maths.

Shine Assembly - Friday 6th October 2023

The Class 'Special Mentions' and 'Stars of the Week' for this week were as follows:


Special Mention 

Voted by the Children

Star of the Week

Chosen by Staff

VenusSamuel for showing excellent Maths work.Jesse for working super hard in Maths, Phonics and poetry.
NeptuneHonour for being really caring to others.Oliver for his effort all week, including Harvest Festival.
MarsCoda for being a kind friend and brave in Harvest Festival.Jemima for her amazing English work.
JupiterZara for making people smile at break.Freddie for some fantastic writing and some excellent work across the curriculum.

Shine Assembly - Friday 29th September 2023

The Class 'Special Mentions' and 'Stars of the Week' for this week were as follows:


Special Mention 

Voted by the Children

Star of the Week

Chosen by Staff

VenusCody for showing good listening and making good choices.Jeremy for being helpful and super duper kind towards his peers.
NeptuneFrancesca for making everyone laugh and smile.Lucy for being a brilliant assistant in computing.
MarsWilliam for working well and being determined to read his book.Jake for showing maturity and being kind and helpful.
JupiterHarriet W for being kind on the playground.Lily for a really hard working week - what s superstar!

Shine Assembly - Friday 22nd September 2023

The Class 'Special Mentions' and 'Stars of the Week' for this week were as follows:


Special Mention 

Voted by the Children

Star of the Week

Chosen by Staff

VenusLuca for showing the school value of friendship.Jesse for fabulous blending in Phonics!
NeptuneAlfie for his great Geography knowledge.Daniel for his excellent independent writing.
MarsWillem for always persevering with his work.Albie for being a model student both in and out of the classroom.
JupiterSonnie for involving others at breaktimes.Elise for exceptional detail in her work.


Shine Assembly - Friday 15th September 2023

The Class 'Special Mentions' and 'Stars of the Week' for this week were as follows:


Special Mention 

Voted by the Children

Star of the Week

Chosen by Staff

VenusAra for being kind and helpful to everyone in class.Esther for creating fantastic work during her first week.
NeptuneMrs Dixon for being kind and looking after everyone.Colby for showing kindness to anyone who needed it while settling back into school life.
MarsJasmine for being gracious when she didn't get student councilor.Eva for working super hard and producing fantastic work.
JupiterZak for working hard and being kind.Harriet for a fantastic week with some beautiful work produced.
