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The Marston Thorold's Charity Church of England


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NHS Birthday Card Competition

To celebrate the 75th Birthday of the NHS, they are holding a birthday card competition. (Please see the below information)

If children would like to take part in this, they are being asked to design a birthday card to celebrate the NHS. 

Designs should be as creative as possible, using crayons, pens, sticking etc and no bigger than A4.

The competition closes during half term, so we shall be sending the designs away on Friday 26th May. All entries MUST be handed in to the school office by lunchtime on Friday 26th May.

Many thanks

'On Wednesday 5 July 2023, the NHS will mark 75 years of service. To help celebrate this, NHS Lincolnshire is launching a design a birthday card competition open to all primary school children in the county.

The chosen entry will win themselves and their school class the exciting opportunity to visit the new tri-service centre in Lincoln, which is home to fire, police, and ambulance services.
The children will have the opportunity to have a tour and sit in the emergency service vehicles, and also speak and ask questions to the emergency services team. The visit will take place on Tuesday 18 July 2023.
Entries should be on A4 paper and be as creative as possible to help celebrate this exciting milestone, so get the glue, glitter and the crayons out and join in the fun.
The winner will be chosen by representatives of each of Lincolnshire’s NHS organisations on Friday 9 June and will be announced on Monday 12 June 2023.'
